December Trinity initiation.
"Thus when Horus the Morning Star is referred to as Horus of the Duat, the reference is to Horus of the Saturnian band. In our enfolding scenario, this translates as Mars within the Saturnian ring, the place the planet occupied when it was seen to drop from the Saturnian center, it having then been encompassed within the congealing band that the trailing part of Venus wound around the Saturnian orb."
Enoch originally aligned with landing of Insight but now with the arrival of King Phoenix and the Soyuz (union) phoenix launch.
Enoch is aligned to launch exactly at the arrival of Osiris Rex at Bennu.
"Osiris was worshipped at Canopus under a peculiar form: that of a vase with a human head. Through an old misunderstanding, the name "canopic jars" was applied by early Egyptologists to the vases with human and animal heads in which the internal organs were placed by the Egyptians after embalming.",_Egypt
The Dragon/ISS mission delayed one day launched on the "golden ratio" two days before the first data from the solar probe and two days after Osiris Rex reached Bennu.

SpaceX is targeting Wednesday, December 5 for the launch of its sixteenth Commercial Resupply Services mission (CRS-16) to the International Space Station. Liftoff is targeted for 1:16 p.m. EST, or 18:16 UTC, from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.

Iridium 8 (Final Iridium Phoenix) is the final December mission followed again by the dragon (Super Draco) to start 2019 continuing the back to back dragon/phoenix
46p is also in the mix just as Osiris Rex arrived at Bennu and is a big space news.
Wirtanen was the original ESA target for a comet rendezvous making 46p "Rosetta/Osiris/Philae"

"You can expect a ghostly green blob to grow brighter in the sky near Orion in the coming days, as Comet 46P/Wirtanen makes it closest approach to the Earth in 20 years this weekend."
Wirtanen also means "river" and Anen is also the "divine father"
Anen was buried in his tomb (TT120) in the Theban Necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile opposite Thebes. His son and four daughters are depicted in his tomb, but their names have not survived.[1][5] (also written as Wirtanen)[1] is a surname originating in Finland (in Finnish, meaning "river"), where it is the second most common surname.[2]
Carl Alvar Wirtanen (November 11, 1910, Kenosha, Wisconsin – March 7, 1990 Santa Cruz, California) was an American astronomer and discoverer of comets and minor planets who worked at Lick Observatory.[2][3] He was of Finnish ancestry.[2] Ra and Atum/Atem/tem="king of gods"

Atum's name is thought to be derived from the verb tm which means to complete or finish. Thus he has been interpreted as being the "complete one" and also the finisher of the world, which he returns to watery chaos at the end of the creative cycle. As creator he was seen as the underlying substance of the world, the deities and all things being made of his flesh or alternatively being his ka.[5]
It is reasonable to expect the features on Bennu will continue the theme of the mission similar to the Rosseta mission.

Already the square feature at the bottom stands out... Temple of Horus on a dragon palace?
King Osiris/ISIS/Bennu impact implies Horus and the falcon is also highlighted by the fact that the underworld is ruled by Osiris

deep impact
On May 10, 1998, teenaged amateur astronomer Leo Biederman discovers an unusual object near the stars Mizar and Alcor at a star party. His teacher has Leo take a picture and then sends it to astronomer Dr. Marcus Wolf. Wolf realizes that the object is a comet on a collision course with Earth.
SX opens the LA tunnel to the underworld 2 days before 46p makes the closest approach to the sun on 12/12. It's a long string of heavy trinity/dragon connections playing out that are key to the end of 2018 and start of 2019 and so on.
The Chinese Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP; Chinese: 中国探月; pinyin: Zhōngguó Tànyuè), also known as the Chang'e program after the Chinese moon goddess Chang'e, is an ongoing series of robotic Moon missions by the China National Space Administration (CNSA).
Quartz: The top of the curving stroke is a dragon's head, to symbolize that China's aerospace development is "taking off like a giant dragon," according to the government's interpretation (link in Chinese) in 2006, when the logo was selected among more than 1,000 designs the government crowdsourced from the country. The bottom of the pattern is a flock of doves to represent "our good wishes for the peaceful use of space." The grey marks within the curve are footprints, which represent China's "ultimate dream" of being the second country to put its people on the moon.

Obviously more changes could occur but the final December mission Iridium 8 moved to Jan 7, 2019 which aligned with the original Dragon 2 mission.

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Abode | north pole, Draco |
"Grant thou to me glory in heaven, and power upon earth, and truth-speaking in the Divine Underworld, and [the power to] sail down the river to Tetu in the form of a living Ba-soul, and [the power to] sail up the river to Abydos in the form of a Benu bird, and [the power to] pass in through and to pass out from, without obstruction, the doors of the lords of the Tuat.
Who is this? It is Osiris. Others, however, say that his name is Ra, and that the god who dwelleth in Amentet is the phallus of Ra, wherewith he had union with himself. I am the Benu bird which is in Anu. I am the keeper of the volume of the book (the Tablet of Destiny) of the things which have been made, and of the things which shall be made."
Insight rising on Elysium 'Aaru'
Osiris Rex at Bennu
ISIS Solar mission
New Horizons on new year
ISAS/Hayabusa 2 at Ruygu
Spacex completing Iridium Phoenix
Dragon 2 DM1
2002 NT7
SB 53 Atlanta
Inspired by the teams logo, the new Falcon Stadium will have a uniquely designed retractable roof. It features eight triangular translucent panels that create the illusion of a bird's wings extended when opened. Surrounding the opening of the roof would be a halo video board that will enclose the playing surface, stretching from one of the 10 yard lines to the other and then curving around the end zones to complete the oval.
Rams are favored to win super bowl 53 in the new Atlanta Falcons stadium which is notable in the sense that it would be the animal forms of god Osiris in the Temple of Horus.