Sunday 5 August 2018

Trinity Fire

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2018 Solar Trinity
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There is one sun-related coincidence during Saturday's partial solar eclipse: By sheer luck, the solar eclipse will occur on the same day that NASA will launch the Parker Solar Probe to the sun.

Parker Solar Probe will make the closest approach to the sun in 2025 on solar max of cycle 25.

Solar cycle 25 is the upcoming and 25th solar cycle since 1755, when extensive recording of solar sunspot activity began.[1][2] It is expected to begin in late 2019 and continue through 2030[3][4] However, the sun is showing signs of a reverse magnetic polarity sunspot appearing and beginning this solar cycle.[5] Indeed, the first Cycle 25 sunspot may already have appeared in early April, 2018.[6]There has been speculation about the start date of solar cycle 25.[7] However, authoritative organizations such as the International Solar Energy Society and NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center have not yet issued or endorsed a scientific forecast for the cycle.
  (We are currently in the solar minimum between solar cycle 24 and 25, which will grow to solar maximum before calming down again and entering solar cycle 26.)
Image result for solar cycle chart 2025

Space probe to plunge into fiery corona of the sun

Holy Fire burns out-of-control in Orange County

Holy Fire burning near Corona
The Holy Fire is a wildfire that is currently burning in the Southern California region; specifically in the counties of Orange and Riverside. The wildfire was reported to have started on August 6, 2018 at around 1:30PM, in the vicinity of Trabuco Canyon.[1] The suspected arsonist, Forrest Gordon Clark, has been booked into the Orange County jail.[2] As of August 9, 2018, the blaze has grown to 9,600 acres, and residents of the nearby cities of Corona and Lake Elsinore are under evacuation order.[3] It is currently only at 5% containment.[4]
The fire is currently burning out of control, with no end in sight. So far, twelve structures have been destroyed in Orange County. No major injuries have currently been reported. [6]
Image result for corona holy fireImage result for corona holy fire
Image result for corona california logoHoly Fire: The Miracle of the Light of the Resurrection at the Tomb of Jesus by Haris Skarlakidis

Princeton in Space: ISʘIS launch lights up the sky

Image result for ula isis solar energetic particles

Principal Investigations
  • The ISIS instrument will observe solar energetic particles (SEPs) such as electrons, protons, and heavy ions accelerated to energies as high as 100 MeV, correlating these particles with larger coronal structures and the solar wind.
  • WISPR, a wide field telescope imager, will supplement the raw data captured by the FIELDS and ISIS instruments with high-quality photographs.
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Parker Solar Probe Launch Targeted for Aug. 11

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 the launch window is scheduled to open at exactly 3:33 a.m. EDT.

Three of California’s Biggest Fires Ever Are Burning Right Now

The "fire in the middle" (pyramid) is the Carr (Trinity County) fire! 

Saturday Sees The Third, Final And Best Solar Eclipse Of 2018

The solar eclipse of August 11, 2018 will be a partial solar eclipse which will be visible on the north of North America, in Greenland, in Northern Europe and north-eastern Asia.

Solar Probe "first mission to a star" is the ISIS Stargate

Image result for Phoenix by the famous illustrator Boris Vallejo
Nephthys (GreekΝέφθυς) or Nebthet or Neber-Het was a goddess in ancient Egyptian religion. A member of the Great Ennead of Heliopolis in Egyptian mythology, she was a daughter of Nut and Geb. Nephthys was typically paired with her sister Isis in funerary rites[1] because of their role as protectors of the mummy and the god Osiris and as the sister-wife of Set.
Nephthys was considered the unique protectress of the Sacred Phoenix, or the Bennu Bird. This role may have stemmed from an early association in her native Heliopolis, which was renowned for its "House of the Bennu" temple. In this role, Nephthys was given the name "Nephthys-Kheresket", and a wealth of temple texts from Edfu, Dendera, Philae, Kom Ombo, El Qa'la, Esna, and others corroborate the late identification of Nephthys as the supreme goddess of Upper Egyptian Nome VII, where another shrine existed in honor of the Bennu. Nephthys also was the goddess of the "Mansion of the Sistrum" in Hwt-Sekhem (Gr. Diospolis Parva), the chief city of Nome VII. There, Nephthys was the primary protectress of the resident Osirian relic, of the Bennu Bird, and of the local Horus/Osiris manifestation, the god Neferhotep.[24]Nephthys was most widely and usually worshipped in ancient Egypt as part of a consortium of temple deities. Therefore, it should not surprise us that her cult images could likely be found as part of the divine entourage in temples at Kharga, Kellis, Deir el-Hagar, Koptos, Dendera, Philae, Sebennytos, Busiris, Shenhur, El Qa'la, Letopolis, Heliopolis, Abydos, Thebes, Dakleh Oasis, and indeed throughout Egypt.[25] In most cases, Nephthys found her typical place as part of a triad alongside Osiris and Isis, or Isis and Horus, or Isis and Min, or as part of a quartet of deities. It is perhaps in this way that Nephthys best fulfilled her role as an important national deity whose ideal function was to provide powerful assistance to her associates in a great variety of temple cults—a truly "Useful" and "Excellent" goddess, as her primary epithets reflect.
Osiris Rex reaches Bennu (sun/phoenix) on 8/17 (just 5 day apart) from Isis/solar launch and Hayabusa 2 snapped it's first close up image of Ryugu on 8/8/18 marking another Osiris King dragon.
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  • Launch: Aug. 11, 2018
  • Venus Flyby: Oct. 2, 2018 at 7:45pm EDT (23:45 UTC)
  • First Perihelion: Nov. 5, 2018 at 1:33pm EST (18:33 UTC)

November initiates the start a series of significant events involving these missions beginning with the first perihelion of Solar Probe, followed by the landing of InSight , Osiris/Bennu completing the first phase of the rendezvous, and the SpaceX SuperDraco inauguration.
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 InSight's landing site is Elysium Planitia, a flat, smooth plain selected not for its surface features, but for safety considerations. InSight's purpose is to study the interior of Mars, not the surface. Thus, in the selection of a landing site, what's on the surface mattered less on this mission than for previous rover missions focused on the geology.
Planitia is Latin for a flat surface, geometric plane or flatness or a plain. Elysium is from the ancient Greek name for an afterlife paradise, usually referred to in English as the Elysian Fields.

Start of mission
Launch date5 May 2018, 11:05 UTC[4][5]
RocketAtlas V 401[6]
Launch siteVandenberg SLC-3E[6]
ContractorUnited Launch Alliance
Mars lander
Landing date26 November 2018(planned)[7]
Landing siteElysium Planitia[8][9]
4.5°N 135.0°E
Flyby of Mars
Spacecraft componentMarCO
Closest approach26 November 2018 (planned)
InSight Mission Logo (transparent).png
Insight had an Osiris/Isis connection as well. 

OSIRIS-REx launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on an Atlas V 411 rocket on Sept. 8, 2016 at 7:05 pm EDT. OSIRIS-REx orbited the sun for a year, and then on Sept. 22, 2017, it used Earth’s gravitational field to change its trajectory to match that of Bennu’s. In August 2018, OSIRIS-REx’s approach to Bennu will begin. The spacecraft will use an array of small rocket thrusters to match Bennu’s velocity and will rendezvous with the asteroid on Dec. 3, 2018.
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Dragon 2 (also Crew DragonDragon V2, or formerly DragonRider) is the second version of the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft, which will be a human-rated vehicle.[6] It includes a set of four side-mounted thruster pods with two SuperDraco engines each, which can serve as a launch escape system or launch abort system (LAS). In addition, it has much larger windows, new flight computers and avionics, and redesigned solar arrays, and a modified outer mold line from the initial cargo Dragon that has been flying for several years.[7]
The spacecraft was unveiled on May 29, 2014, during a press event at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, California.[8][9][10]Designed to ferry astronauts to space, the capsule differs considerably from the cargo-carrying Dragon, which has been operational since 2010. As of August 2018, the spacecraft is expected to conduct an automated test mission to the International Space Station (ISS) on November 2018, and to carry its first crew on a demonstration flight on April 2019.[11]
Image result for superdraco spacex
On February 1, 2012 SpaceX announced that it had completed the development of a new, more powerful version of a storable-propellant rocket engine, this one called SuperDraco. This high-thrust hypergolic engine—about 200 times larger than the Draco RCS thruster hypergolic engine—offers deep throttling ability,[6] and just like the Draco thruster, was designed to provide multiple restart capability and use the same shared hypergolic propellants as Draco. Its primary purpose was to be for SpaceX's LAS (launch abort system) on the Dragon spacecraft. According to a NASA press release, the engine has a transient from ignition to full thrust of 100 ms. During launch abort, eight SuperDracos were expected to fire for 5 seconds at full thrust. The development of the engine was partially funded by NASA's CCDev 2 program. Name: Draco comes from the Greek drakōn for dragon. Draco (constellation) is a constellation (the Dragon) in the polar region of the Northern Hemisphere near Cepheus and Ursa Major.

On top of that the Atlantis astronauts for "Draco Star liner" were selected on August 3rd
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46p also makes a bright pass in December.

 "46P/Wirtanen is a small short-period comet with a current orbital period of 5.4 years. It was the original target for close investigation by the Rosetta spacecraft, planned by the European Space Agency, but an inability to meet the launch window led to Rosetta being sent to 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko instead
On 16 December 2018 the comet will pass 0.0781 AU (11,680,000 km; 7,260,000 mi) (~30 LD) from Earth,[3] reaching an estimated magnitude of 3 to 7.5,[6][7] making this pass the brightest one predicted, and the brightest close approach for the next 20 years.[8]"

The international Rosetta mission, now planned by ESA to be launched in January 2003, will provide a unique opportunity to directly study the nucleus of comet 46P/Wirtanen and its activity from a heliocentric distance of 3.2 AU to the perihelion passage at 1.06 AU in July 2013. We describe here the design, the development and the performances of the telescope of the Narrow Angle Camera of the OSIRIS experiment which will give high resolution images of the cometary nucleus in the visible spectrum.
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2018 is the holy trinity firestorm, last year it was the Atlas firestorm.

The Atlas Fire was a 2017 wildfire burning in Napa County, California north of the city of Napa, near Napa Soda Springs. It was one of fourteen large fires simultaneously burning in eight Northern California counties, in what was called the "Northern California firestorm".[2] Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency.[3][4]

A number of media including CNN even mentioned the fire was started by "the dragon"

Carr/Trinity fire being the dragon car of Osiris/ car of the lord of the dead.
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In ancient Egypt , the stars of the Plough (Ursa Majorwere called the “Car of Osiris,” shown on some planispheres by an Ark situated near the polar point

 another crazy sync event just hours before launch is the "Horizon crash" from Seattle:
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Horizon worker steals plane at Sea-Tac, later crashes

Fiery wreckage seen on Ketron Island

 This can be decoded as the Phoenix risen on the pole star (Alaska impact on Nisqually)
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The island was originally named "Kittson Island" by Charles Wilkes during the Wilkes Expedition of 1838-1842, but was misspelled "Ketron" by his cartographers. The island was named for William Kittson, an employee of the Hudson's Bay Company, who supervised the construction of Fort Nisqually

Nisqually Impact!

The Fenix Underground in Seattles Pioneer Square neighborhood suffered significant damage from the Nisqually Earthquake in 2001. (Photo credit: Federal Emergency Management Agency)

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